This is certainly an unforgettable and wonderful ‘trip’ in my life because it reveals me a totally different world from the one I get used to live, and it also broadens my horizon of what the other society, or culture, is like, which breaks down the stereotype that the mass media shows us.
Though it is just a seven-day vacation, I still gain the opportunity to deepen my understanding in Balinese culture that was once strange to me. I learn that people there are more friendly in fact than what the news shows us and that the cultural and religion life here is colorful.
To be honest, this memorable trip rebuild my world and make me consider numeral things that I should believe what I see and cultivate the ability to appreciate people around the world.
Through teaching, I obtained the most genuine love and the most gratitude from the students. Their grateful smile has given me so much energy and encouraged me to work harder by efforts. Teaching is always the important part that I anticipate everyday due to their smile derived from their innocent faces.
从一些小细节中,我可以感受到这里人们的淳朴:在开车的时候,大家其实都很“温柔”,大车让小车,而且司机不会经常看到行人或狗啊猴子啊就按喇叭,即使有,也是轻轻小小的鸣一下来提醒;每次下车的时候,所有人包括组织者,司机都会很热情地帮你开门;不管走在哪里,人们都会给你一个大大的微笑,不是那种职业假笑,而是那种很真诚、很开心的笑容,让人看了也会心情变好,不由自主地回以一个微笑;辛苦接送我们,帮我们拍照,鲜有时间休息的司机大叔;人们用着像初生婴儿的口音,热情跟我们说着你好,谢谢的人们;每次见到我,都会跟我热情打招呼的前台酒吧阿姨;每一次在到学校门口之前的几百米,可以清楚看到同学们和助教们坐在门口等待你的身影,当我们到达的时候,会开心的拍手掌欢笑;下课时,同学们炽热的手掌和额头触碰我们的手背,让我感受到一丝丝的暖意;离别时,小朋友们蜂拥而上给我们一大堆亲手做的礼物,感动地我重复着那一句听起来啰嗦但是尽最大努力表达我的感情的话:thank you so much;还有他们驻足校门,望着我们车子慢慢驶出车道的不舍身影,那不停挥动的双手……
感谢这群纯真可爱的小朋友,感谢这群质朴的人们带给我如此全新难忘的经历,让我体验到从未体验的文化,让我认识到这是一个多么友善可爱的民族。巴厘岛的美景,美食,美人,都将会是我这个旅行的亮点,我将会带着一颗感恩,探索的心,再次来到这个美丽动人的地方。I love you, Bali.